October 20, 2016

AWS.Net - Simple library for AWS services. i.e. S3, SQS & SES

Have worked on many AWS projects but found their library wasn't designed for simplicity. So thought of writing my own library for my pet projects with AWS. It's very simple and easy to integrate S3, SQS & SES.

Visit my Github project for more details on how to use it.  - https://github.com/ludmal/AWS.Net

For example, sending a message to the SQS is easy as this. 
var service = new SqsService<EmailMessage>(new AwsCredentials
  RegionEndpoint = RegionEndpoint.USWest2

service.QueueUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EmailQueue"];

var response = service.Push(new HelloEmail());

And retrieving the message with Generic object is very simple.
var service = new SqsService<EmailMessage>(new AwsCredentials
 //SQS Service Region
 RegionEndpoint = RegionEndpoint.USWest2

//SQS Queue Url
service.QueueUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EmailQueue"];

var items = service.Process();