February 14, 2009

Fusion Charts

Recently I worked on a Dashboard Project which shows Sales, Invoices, ATB and DSO info. Initially I started with Dundas Charts but later we changed to a nice 3D looking charts called "Fusion Charts". Of course Dundas Charts was good enough but I was looking for a better 3D look, therefore I had to switch to Fusion charts. It was very simple but powerful and we use XML as Data Source. If you are looking for a nice 3D graphs for your project you better have look at this.


ASP.NET MVC Framework, all I can say is are we going back to where we started ? "Spaghetti code". The main idea was to separate server code from HTML in ASP.NET back in 2001. But all I can see in MVC now is code and HTML both mixed each other which reminds me of a classic asp page. Well, I still haven't got time to get into MVC but this is what I can say from the initial look. Of course there could be some reasons ... I guess I will write this in more details once I really get into MVC....